Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Nick Canon Said He had sex with the Kardashians-Kim, Khloe and Kourtney !!

Nick Kannon is single and speaking about his past...including information he shouldn't be telling an audience on radio... like exposing the women he'd have sex with!

During a recent radio interview , Cannon was asked about the chicks he'd hooked up with before he got married to Mariah Carey.

The 'America Got Talent' host made sure he answered the question with 'the truth'. He said:
"Yes [I have done things with a Kardashian sister]. And I always get in trouble when I talk about this but I always tell the truth so ... The ones that are of age."

Huh?..."the ONES that are of age"? For real, Nick? Did dude just use plural on the 'ones'?
Does this mean Nick slept with Kim, Kourtney and Khloe? Because those are the ONES who are of age!
Or... did Nick just throw a bombshell on radio? What do you think?

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